Friday, 25 July 2014

Charlotte's room renovation - Part 1

This is one of the most recent photos I have of my oldest baby.

She's growing up.  There have been changes.  Physical and behavioral changes but she's been shifting for a while now from being a kid to being more of a teenager.  Which is hard to take when you consider she's only eight.  And still my baby.

But there it is.  These days she asks me for spicy laksa instead of McDonalds, she wants girl's nights to watch bad eighties movies and paint her toe nails with me, she has definitive opinions on fashion and she has been asking me for a long time to please, please, please fix up her room because it's too babyish.  And she has a point.  I did nothing to her room when we moved in.  It was painted pink and green (not as terrible as it sounds, I swear) and the wardrobe didn't have doors but it was passable.  The carpet was not spectacular - in particular there was one enormous waxy stain that we didn't even want to think about, but we simply popped her bed over the top.  Face crayons, oil pastels and a variety of other contaminants have since added to that particular situation.  At some point her toddler brother made it onto the top bunk with her set of alphabet scrapbooking stamps and this happened;

When you're three a ceiling is mostly just the biggest canvas you've ever had the good fortune to lay your stamps on.  So yes, the time had come for a change.  Let me walk you through some of the "before" issues.  First up, here's behind her bedroom door.  You can see the green paint and you can also see that when they put the wardrobe in they didn't bother to fix up the plaster and we still have bare metal mesh happening.  They didn't even have a frame for doors around the wardrobe cavity so that raw pine there is something I put in myself.  Embarrassingly that was roughly two years ago.

This is the other side of the wardrobe cavity.  Raw pine frame again and now you see the pink.  The butterflies are the only decoration I've added myself.  And spend a moment contemplating the industrial feel of those aluminium blinds.  Mmmm, institutional and broken.

The draws there are a project from a long time ago, shown on my other blog.  You can sort of see the corner of the TV table in this photo and I wish I'd got a better photo because it was in a terrible state.  But it was also scheduled for a similar revamp to the draws.  This photo also gives you an idea of just how untidy the whole place was.  No pride, no respect and honestly, who can blame her?

 Her bedroom corner.  More revamped tip shop furniture as a bedside table and more of the lovely green.

So there you have it, the blank canvas as it were.  Definitely time for a big change.  Stay tuned for part two, the revamp.

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